The Red Lines Page

December 13, 2015

Yahoo! BooHoo!

Filed under: Grumbling,usability — Peter A @ 4:25 pm

Aabandon hopeThe successor to Yahoo! has failed to fix my problem or respond in a timely manner, and I have therefore decided to aabandon Aabaco completely. What a shame they seem so uninterested.

They are not to be confused with Aabaco Environmental, who are apparently “well known for being a leader in providing bio-remediation products for hydro carbon spills.” I am led to believe they are also very popular with carpet care professionals. Who knew?

Anyway, you should find that and contact e-mails now work again, because my new domain services company was able to (a) handle the transfer promptly and without fuss and (b) respond to two phone call inquiries immediately.

So I commend GoDaddy to you instead.GoDaddy

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